Judy Green | |
Judy on the left | |
General Information | |
Full name | Judy Green |
Gender | Female |
Resides in | In a house with Logan Rawlings |
Occupation | Chef, Restaurant owner |
Eye Color | Green |
Hair Color | Black |
Family and Friends | |
Romances | Logan Rawlings (girlfriend) |
Friends | Gabi Diamond (frenemy) |
Production Information | |
First Appearance | Young & Lesbian |
Portrayed by | Jessica Lowndnes |
Judy Green is the girlfriend of Logan Rawlings. She is portrayed by Jessica Lowndes. Near the end of Young & Lesbian, Gabi and Logan kiss causing Judy to be jealous. At the end they get back together. We all hope that Judy and Logan will return for more action in other episodes. Judy is a famous chef that works in a restaurant Pure
- She's a world class chef.
- She's dating Logan Rawlings.
- She gave Gabi a signed book.
- Young & Lesbian